Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, July 12, 2010
Last night the world watched the showcase of the final World Cup Soccer as it came to an end, with much applause and ceremony, fire works blazing and the Spanish in seventh heaven, the Netherlands (my team) devastated, it was still, no matter the emotions, an incredible 31 days.
The "gees", meaning enthusiasm, spirit of the game and everything South African, was a uniting factor. All our "woes" were put aside for these past 31 days. We smiled, laughed and sang, also shouted with glee and upset as the 64 games passed at such lightening speed. The world who thought we could not never pull this off are sitting back is disbelief with a little embarrassment of how could AFRICA do this and do it so well.
Well we did, with encouragement, dignity and pride, we showed the world this is AFRICA, we waved our flags, sang the songs and truly a tremendous time was had by all. This is AFRICA" S time just like the opening song said.
Some fools tried their luck and did stupid things, like set up a guy to go into the English teams locker room. Well Simon, your press pass and all your future media work should be barred from publishing and you should be disbarred from any work as a journalist ever again. Shame on you! I think your Mother would be ashamed of your antics.
Despite these "short-sighted" people pulling stunts, generally South Africa, every citizen did us proud and our President Jacob Zuma even thanked us all for our hospitality, for which this country is famous, now given a new name - swop hospitality for - GEES. Pronounced with a guttural G in the back of the throat!!!
So come see what all these supporters felt and saw in this diverse beautiful rainbow nation - as the song says - WHAKA WHAKA eh eh!!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Friday, July 17, 2009